Apostolic Work Antrim
Apostolic Work is a Voluntary Organisation that works in a variety of ways to provide help for those who suffer and are impoverished. We began in Belfast in 1923 to help missionaries in their work by supplying them with Vestments, Sacred Vessels etc. and with material and financial help to support their work spreading the Gospel.
Eighty-eight years later Apostolic Work continues to fundraise in a range of ways. Last year Down & Connor raised £485,000 – £6,000 of this by Apostolic Work, Antrim. The missionaries can use these donations where they are most needed, such as, building and maintaining Churches, Liturgical supplies, Schools and Education, Clinics, Food, Water, Medicines, Self Help Projects and also the training of Catechists.
Our Yearly Advents are attending Mass together on Mission Sunday, the annual pilgrimage to Knock, the Retreat in Drumalis, the display of work carried out on the Missions and numerous fund raising events throughout the year.
We meet once a month St Joseph’s Parish Centre 19:00-20:00 and welcome all new members. For further information please contact the parish office: 028 9442 9103
The Society of St Vincent de Paul
The society of St Vincent de Paul was formed in 1833 and has been helping to alleviate poverty in the North of Ireland since 1848.
‘Our aim is to enhance the quality of life for those in need, regardless of creed, colour or caste’.
There are two St Vincent de Paul Conferences in the Parish of Antrim.
St. Comgall’s St Vincent de Paul
Committee Members:
President: Martin Allen
Vice President: Catherine Daly
Secretary: Pauline Kearney
Treasurer: Siobhan Murphy
Contacting Us:
If you need help; would like to make a donation or would like to become a member, you can do so by phoning 07508549597 or by contacting any member of the Conference.
The St Vincent de Paul is a voluntary organisation. We meet every Monday evening in the room above the Sacristy in St Comgall’s Church. We are always looking for new members and full training is provided. All our work is strictly confidential.
Our Work:
The main focus and function of the Conference is supporting families in need. This is done through home visitations and through providing food vouchers and furniture.
Our Annual ‘Christmas Board Appeal’ provides new presents for children of families in need. Food hampers and vouchers are also given at this time of the year. This is followed by an Annual Thanksgiving Mass early in the New Year, where thanks is given to all those who donated gifts or supported the Conference throughout the year. A cup of tea and bun is provided afterwards and all are welcome.
Along with St Joseph’s Conference we help organise the parish’s Annual Mass for the Sick and hold an Annual Senior Citizens Dinner Dance.
Our Income:
Our main source of income comes from the Church Door Collections and through donations.
We also have an Annual Street Collection and the ‘Christmas Board Appeal’.
Thank you to everyone who supports us!
St Joseph’s St Vincent de Paul
Committee Members:
President: Willie Taggart
Vice President: Mark McGinley
Secretary: Angela McCaffrey
Treasurer: Betty McGinley
Our Conference mainly raise funds from our weekly church door collections and donations, and also annually at Asda.
Our Christmas appeal includes a street collection in Antrim town and requests for presents for the children of families in need. With the help of our parishioners we are able to provide hundreds of children with Christmas gifts and families with food hampers.
Throughout the whole year we provide food vouchers to needy families, oil for those who are unable to heat their homes and four or five times per week we visit the homes of people who need our help.
At the Mass for the Sick, St Comgall’s Conference and St Joseph’s Conference come together to provide refreshments for the parishioners attending the mass, this takes place in St Joseph’s parish hall. We also organise an annual Senior Citizens dinner to provide our parishioners with an opportunity to socialise and have fun before Christmas.
We meet every other Monday in St Joseph’s parish office and would welcome all new members. Training is provided to those who would like to volunteer and you can do so by contacting the parish office: 028 9442 9103
St Joseph’s SPRED Group
(Special Religious Development)
A SPRED programme develops a warm, welcoming friendship of personal relationships in a caring group.
This is the only organisation to offer Religious Education development to vulnerable people in our society. At present we have five volunteer catechists within our SPRED group and four Special Friends. No experience is necessary, as we provide training and materials for anyone who would like to become involved.
We meet in the Family Caring Centre at Rathenraw, the volunteer helpers meet each Monday 19:00-20:30 and the Special Friends meet every other Monday 19:00-21:00. We would welcome both new volunteers and Special Friends.
Contact: Office on: 028 9442 9103 if you would like more information. www.spred.org.uk
St Comgall’s Prayer Group
Our Prayer Group, which started 20 years ago, meets every Thursday at 20:00 in Sister Catherine’s office.
We have a time of praise and worship, a time of quiet, a time of scripture and discussion, intercessory prayers and petitionary prayers, and the meeting finishes with a cup of tea and a chat.
At this time we have 8 members and welcome all newcomers.
Contact: Parish office on 028 9442 8016 for more information or come along on a Thursday.