You are very welcome to the web site for the Parish of Antrim, in the town of Antrim. I hope you find the information helpful and that it gives you some idea about the life of our parish community.
Recently, the Parish of Antrim was formed as a result of the amalgamation of St Comgall’s and St Joseph’s parishes. For the younger parishioners, a new thing but for the more senior a return to the old, as this had been one parish from 1873 up until 1985. Together, we must build and pray with one another on our journey as a parish community ensuring that everyone is welcomed and respected.
In the parish there is a great awareness of the faith that has been passed from one generation to the next. It is a faith that supports people in their times of struggle and always gives hope but should never be inward looking. Therefore, we welcome the support and prayers of our neighbours from the other Christian traditions and we want to build good and meaningful relationships together and to play our part in the civic life of this town.
Since 1873, many things have changed and there are different challenges for different generations but ultimately for each person, it is always about trying to do the right thing and for the one who believes in Christ, having the courage to trust and believe in the Gospel.
On behalf of the parish team, I welcome your support and interest and pray that the blessing of God is with you.

Sean Emerson
Parish Priest